The Restoration Project

The world wide web is in decay. Much of what was created over its lifetime has disappeared from neglect or deliberate corporate purging.

Original Art

retrieved 2023-04-23Light on the Net Project (1996)

About the Artwork

This is Light on the Net Project from 1996. You can go ahead and click around. You'll see a lot of missing images, broken links, and unstructured text. But it's the best known copy of this piece. It's a shame because Light on the Net Project is a beautiful and important telematic work from the last century.

Here's some historical context:

A work by Masaki Fugihata is enjoyable in part because it is immediately gratifying. Shown in real-time 24 hours a day, it allows viewers to click the lightbulbs in a grid on and off, controlling the bulbs in an actual sculpture located in an office building in Japan.

~ ArtByte (2001)

Digital artworks decay quickly. Over the next four screens I'll guide you through a restoration process to combat the mass loss of culture.